Music Submissions

Thanks for your interest in delivering REWIND 106 its newest hit song! If you would like to submit music to REWIND 106 in consideration for airplay, you need to stick to the following guidelines:

  1. REQUEST 1 Song 100+ times in 24 hours.

  2. Only 1 song from an artist can be submitted.


  4. By submitting a song, you warrant that the song is your original work, you own any and all rights in it, and it does not infringe on the intellectual property of any third parties.

  5. Another option is to have your label pitch to the following on air DJs:

    DJ Cashe - DJ Kali - DJ Choice - GRIND Staff

REWIND 106’s willingness to accept submissions does not imply or guarantee airplay or any feedback. All decisions are made by our REWIND 106 programming department, with possible additional input from local sales and third-party research. Please understand due to the volume of submissions you will only get a response from REWIND 106 if there is interest in or questions regarding the one submitted song (in other words, we’re apologizing in advance that a majority of submissions will receive no response at all from REWIND 106 due to the sheer number of submissions we receive). Thank you for your interest in submitting! 

Thank you for listening to REWIND 106!